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Sandeep Name:


Areas of Specialization:

Sandeep Kushwaha


Bioinformatics, genomics, transcriptomics, metagenomics, machine learning and tools development

Education and training:

Dr. Sandeep Kushwaha has completed his Bachelor in Science (Biology) and Master in Science (Bioinformatics) from University of Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has done his Ph.D in Bioinformatics from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. He has earned eight years post-doctoral research experience at Lund University and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden. Dr. Kushwaha has joined NIAB on 31 October 2019.

Research experience and interests:

Dr. Kushwaha has worked toward the development of bioinformatics tools, webserver, algorithms, application of machine learning methods and bioinformatics approaches to understand molecular and genetic mechanism for breeding and environmental stress in plants. His major contribution has been in the development of method to evaluate soil health and climate change indicators to facilitate agricultural management practices and resistant germplasm screening platform. His research focus at NIAB are (a) to develop biological and computational resources to support livestock production in India (b) to develop method to identify general disease resistance and environmental adaptation potential of individual by using advance molecular and computational techniques to enhance genetic improvement in animal production systems.

Membership of professional societies:
  1. Indian Society of Technical Education(ISTE)

  2. Computer Society of India(CSI)

  3. Gwalior Academy of Mathematical Sciences(GAMS)

  4. Society of Applied Life Sciences(SALS)

Selected publications:
  1. Desta ZA, Kolano B, Shamim Z, Armstrong SJ, Rewers M, Sliwinska E, Kushwaha SK, Parkin IA, Ortiz R, de Koning D-J: field cress genome mapping: integrating linkage and comparative maps with cytogenetic analysis for rDnA carrying chromosomes. Sci Rep 2019, 9(1):1-14.

  2. Kushwaha SK, Grimberg Å, Carlsson AS, Hofvander P: Charting oat (Avena sativa) embryo and endosperm transcription factor expression reveals differential expression of potential importance for seed development. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 2019:1-15.

  3. Kalyandurg PB, Tahmasebi A, Vetukuri RR, Kushwaha SK, Lezzhov AA, Solovyev AG, Grenville-Briggs LJ, Savenkov EI: Efficient RNA silencing suppression activity of Potato Mop-Top Virus 8K protein is driven by variability and positive selection. Virology 2019, 535:111-121.

  4. Manoharan L, Kushwaha SK, Ahren D, Hedlund K: Agricultural land use determines functional genetic diversity of soil microbial communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2017, 115(December 2017):423-432.

  5. Hofvander P, Ischebeck T, Turesson H, Kushwaha SK, Feussner I, Carlsson AS, Andersson M: Potato tuber expression of Arabidopsis WRINKLED1 increase triacylglycerol and membrane lipids while affecting central carbohydrate metabolism. Plant biotechnology journal 2016, 14(9):1883-1898.

  6. Manoharan L, Kushwaha SK, Hedlund K, Ahrén D: Captured metagenomics: large-scale targeting of genes based on ‘sequence capture’reveals functional diversity in soils. DNA Research 2015, 22(6):451-460.

  7. Kushwaha SK, Manoharan L, Meerupati T, Hedlund K, Ahrén D: MetCap: a bioinformatics probe design pipeline for large-scale targeted metagenomics. BMC Bioinformatics 2015, 16(1):65.

  8. Kushwaha SK, Chauhan P, Hedlund K, Ahrén D: NBSPred: a support vector machine-based high-throughput pipeline for plant resistance protein NBSLRR prediction. Bioinformatics 2015, 32(8):1223-1225.

  9. Vetukuri RR, Tripathy S, Malar C M, Panda A, Kushwaha SK, Chawade A, Andreasson E, Grenville-Briggs LJ, Whisson SC: Draft genome sequence for the tree pathogen Phytophthora plurivora. Genome biology and evolution 2018, 10(9):2432-2442.

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Mission: Development of sustainable and  globally competitive livestock industry through innovative technology.

Vision: To demonstrate excellence in promoting and commercializing leads in biotechnology and to produce globally competitive livestock products, pharmaceuticals and biologicals for animal health care.

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